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Help Jon raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Wisconsin 2024

My Story…

The funds raised from this  event will  ensure that  those suffering from migraine headache and other related/similar headache disorders will be able to see a Clinician / Doctor specially trained in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of these conditions in a timely fashion and at a clinic as close to where they live and work as possible. There is already a  projected deficit of doctors with the necessary skill and expertise that these patients so critically need.

From a paper published in the journal Headache,

1.) "Only 564 accredited headache specialists practice in the U.S".

2.) "At least 3700 headache specialists are need to treat those affected by migraine". (And that's not counting patients with other headache disorders).

3.) "It is estimated that the United States will require 4500 headache specialists by 2040".

As accessed from the journal Neurology Reviews.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 10 Facebook Fundraiser FB Fundraiser donations through 7/27 - 503023198851031: (MCW) Headache Fellowship/ Miles for Migraine *(Medical College of Wiscons $73.42
Aug 22 Mrs. Judith Florczak $54.10
Jul 24 Anonymous $54.10
Jul 18 Joe Florczak $107.35